0.99 usd to vnd

How much is 0.99 US Dollar in Vietnamese Dong?

0.99 US Dollar is 23959.93 Vietnamese Dong.

So, you've converted 0.99 US Dollar lớn 23959.93 Vietnamese Dong. We used 0.0000413 International Currency Exchange Rate. We added the most popular Currencies and CryptoCurrencies for our Calculator. You can convert US Dollar lớn other currencies from the drop down list. Selling 0.99 US Dollar you get 23959.93 Vietnamese Dong at 14. October 2023 01:20 AM (GMT).

Bạn đang xem: 0.99 usd to vnd

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Currency Converter by Date - Historical Exchange Rate Graph of change in 0.99 US Dollar lớn Vietnamese Dong

Changes in the value of 0.99 US Dollar in Vietnamese Dong

For the week (7 days)

Date Day 0.99 USD lớn VND Changes Changes %
October 06, 2023 Friday 23904.26 VND 55.67102 0.232 %
October 07, 2023 Saturday 23900.66 VND 59.27213 0.247 %
October 08, 2023 Sunday 23900.82 VND 59.11063 0.247 %
October 09, 2023 Monday 23895.62 VND 64.31815 0.268 %
October 10, 2023 Tuesday 23916.77 VND 43.16430 0.180 %
October 11, 2023 Wednesday 23944.26 VND 15.67620 0.0654 %
October 12, 2023 Thursday 23956.15 VND 3.78333 0.0158 %

For the month (30 days summary)

Month 0.99 USD lớn VND Changes Changes %
2023 August (summary) 23483.11 VND 476.82755 1.990 %

For the year (365 days summary)

Year 0.99 USD lớn VND Changes Changes %
2021 (summary) 20.83188 VND 23939.10 99.913 %