on hand là gì

Celebrity chefs are often on-hand to tướng host the events.


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Combined with a heat wave, these conditions nearly caused the actors to tướng pass out and nurses had to tướng be kept on-hand with oxygen tanks.



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The higher the probability that stock will be used in the future, the more the on-hand stock value can be reduced.



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Brands also benefit from online communities by having them on-hand to tướng answer questions, test hypotheses, and observe.



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In particular, he recommended reducing the practice of deferred dividends, which allowed the insurance companies to tướng keep large stores of cash on-hand for illegal purposes.



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He had spent $179,000 and has about $70,000 cash on-hand.



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The professors will train the students with on-hand projects and help them to tướng learn techniques.



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It is calculated by dividing the number of units sold by the beginning on-hand inventory (for that same time period).

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Westlife is the first on-hand to tướng accept this product.



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A guest hymnologist was on-hand to tướng explain the origin of the music and the background to tướng the composition of the words.



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The channel has modern broadcasting facilities that supports also the university's on-hand training for the students who are taking major in communications.



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Cranes, donated by local construction companies, assisted in getting logs onto the upper tiers, and volunteers from those companies were on-hand at all times to tướng offer advice.



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All of these effects were simulated, added to tướng the on-hand supply level, and then displayed to tướng the user as a series of optional colorings that indicated current status.



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Some formulae may also take into trương mục the volume used e.g.: reduce the on-hand value by the percentage of product used in the past 6 months.


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Các ý kiến của những ví dụ ko thể hiện tại ý kiến của những chỉnh sửa viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hoặc của những ngôi nhà cho phép.