forest là gì

The forest is a protected and covers an area of 7153 ha.

Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and intermittent freshwater marshes.

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Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist montane forests, subtropical or tropical high-altitude shrubland, and subtropical or tropical high-altitude grassland.

Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and rivers.

In the medieval and post-medieval period, the south-east part of the site was inhabited, at one point being used as a forester's lodge.

While less than vãn one-third of the trees mix out by government foresters survived, up vĩ đại 88 percent of the villager-planted trees grew.

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Foresters engage in a broad range of activities including timber harvesting, ecological restoration and management of protected areas.

The comparison of these two curves tells the forester how many trees of each age-class should remain in the stand.

That was a reason why enmity existed between resin workers and foresters.