ipogo ios

Approved Installation Methods

Listed below, you will find our suggested installation methods. There may be more current approved methods available in our Discord server. If you have any issues understanding these methods, please feel không lấy phí đồ sộ join our Discord, our tư vấn team is always available đồ sộ assist you!

iOS Installation Methods Android Installation Methods

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iOS Installation Methods

Minimum System Requirements: iOS14+ and 2GB RAM. iOS16 must enable Developer Mode



Signulous, a partner of iPogo, is a user-friendly code signing platform for iOS and tvOS. Upload and sign your own apps, or choose from their extensive phầm mềm library.

No Computer Needed

Install with Signulous



Sideloadly is a sideload utility for iOS. It is a minimalistic Cydia Impactor alternative that comes with a clean user interface and powerful new features.

Computer Required

Install with Sideloadly


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unc0ver and checkra1n Jailbroken devices are fully supported! Keep in mind, iPogo does not offer tư vấn on how đồ sộ jailbreak your device

Difficult đồ sộ Maintain

Use the Jailbreak Tweak



Any methods that are not listed on our trang web or our discord are not officially supported and as such, you may experience issues while playing or installing

Use at your own risk

I need more information

Android Installation Methods

Minimum System Requirements: Android 8+, 4GB Ram, and a 64-bit OS.


Xem thêm: quay thử xs gia lai 568

Android Non Root

Uninstall PokemonGO if you have it installed and then tải về this version if you have a stock Android device!

All Accounts Accepted

Download the iPogo APK