douyin pc

Douyin PC Download : 抖音 Douyin Video aggregates food, travel, technology, News and more, creative nội dung is just a click away. Want to tướng try Douyin desktop version? Let’s get Douyin App and discover beautiful life with it~

Douyin PC Download

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TikTok China? Chinese TikTok?

It’s named 抖音 (pinyin : Dǒu yīn) in Chinese, which is a leading short-form video clip platform in Trung Quốc Mainland.

This platform is full of entertainment, knowledge, games, food, sports, fashion, music videos, let users record, discover and share wonderful moments in life.

In this article, we will introduce how to tướng get Douyin App , continue to tướng learn more.

  • Mobile App
  • Douyin for web
  • Douyin Live
  • Douyin for TV
  • Douyin for PC (Win/Mac)

Mobile App

▼ Before we talk about the desktop version.

If you haven’t tried the Mobile Douyin App, it is the Chinese TikTok.

You can refer to tướng Download Douyin App to tướng get it (Android/iOS).

Get Douyin Mobile App

Douyin Desktop App

Douyin for Web

Official trang web : 抖音

▼ Want to tướng watch Douyin from the web?

Just open the liên kết above to tướng enjoy diverse videos.

Note: Can’t watch it on your phone or tablet? Please open the Douyin live liên kết as below, switch to tướng the desktop trang web, and then select the category to tướng watch Douyin trang web.

Visit Douyin Website

Douyin Live

Official trang web : 抖音直播

▼ Interested in live streaming videos?

Go to tướng Douyin live on your computer.

Xem thêm: XoilacTV: Nền tảng cập nhật kết quả bóng đá trực tuyến chính xác và mới nhất

Open the liên kết to tướng enter the trang web version of Douyin Live, and you can enjoy it.

Note: Can’t watch it on a mobile phone or tablet? Please switch it to tướng the desktop site.

Visit Douyin Live

Douyin for TV

Official Download page : 抖音TV

▼ To try the Douyin TV version?

Open the liên kết to tướng visit its tải về page.

Click 立即下载 Download Now to tướng get the APK tệp tin.

Get Douyin TV APK

Douyin for PC (Win/Mac)

Official Download page : 抖音电脑客户端

▼ To get the Douyin App for your PC or MAC?

For PC users :

Click 下载Windows客户端 Download the Windows client,

and you can get the .exe installation tệp tin.

For MAC users :

Click 下载MAC客户端 Download the MAC client,

Xem thêm: súng bắn đạn nhựa giá rẻ 50k

and you can get the .dmg tệp tin.

Get Douyin PC and Mac

Douyin App is available on the mobile, PC, Mac, TV and the trang web, users can enjoy viral videos at everywhere. Hope our steps can take you to tướng find it. Get any problem? Please let us know below (comment plz), Thanks.