happiness là gì

Bản dịch

I hope you will both be very happy together.

expand_more Chúc nhị các bạn hạnh phúc mặt mũi nhau!

Bạn đang xem: happiness là gì

I hope you will make each other extremely happy.

Chúc nhị các bạn ở cùng mọi người trong nhà hạnh phúc!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Chúc các bạn Giáng sinh và Năm mới nhất hạnh phúc!

Happy Diwali to lớn you. May this Diwali be as bright as ever.

expand_more Chúc các bạn lễ Diwali vui vẻ và rạng rỡ!

Giáng sinh vui vẻ! / Giáng sinh an lành!

Ví dụ về phong thái dùng

Wishing you every happiness this special day brings. Have a wonderful birthday!

Chúc các bạn một sinh nhật hạnh phúc và tuyệt vời!

Wishing the both of you all the happiness in the world.

Wishing you every happiness on your special day.

Xem thêm: truyện ngôn tình ngược he hiện đại tổng tài

Chúc các bạn sinh nhật sướng vẻ!

Ví dụ về đơn ngữ

They lead a simple life and derive happiness in whatever they bởi.

She realises her husband's happiness depends only on the fact of her, here in the house, living her life, thinking of him.

Marriage processions were believed to lớn be vulnerable to lớn such spirits who target peoples happiness.

In the subcallosal cingulate, 46% of studies inducing sadness reported activity in this region, as compared to lớn 20% inducing happiness and 20% inducing anger.

Upon one such little step in the great staircase of human life how vast a sum of human happiness or misery depends!

It lacks several scenes included in the 1942 version, and has essentially the same happy ending.

Although he does not marry, he is shown to lớn be very happy with his large family, which after many long struggles has finally been reunited.

Some patients show the opposite of what they feel, for example crying when they are happy.

This pleased both parties and everyone went away happy.

Xem thêm: người thầy y đức 2 diễn viên

The right superior temporal gyrus increasingly responds to lớn an increasingly happy stimuli, while the left pulvinar increasingly responds to lớn increasingly fearful stimuli.



  • felicitous
  • glad
  • well-chosen