drawing là gì

He started drawing at a very early age.

Unable to lớn go to lớn school as a child because of her epilepsy, she was home-schooled and spent much of her time drawing and painting.

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This distinction is an innovation of the modern era, drawing on different lines of development of the letter shapes in earlier handwriting.

In addition, these other drawing techniques required less effort and were more forgiving than vãn silver, which resists erasure and leaves a fainter line.

He is assumed to lớn have studied drawing and painting with his half-brother.

We have seen pictures of them, but what had those who first drew those pictures seen?

The 16 teams are randomly drawn into 8 first round ties.

He states that he began drawing at the age of 4.

Older machines were drawn by horse and were driven by a ground drive.

A win is worth two points, while a draw is worth one point.

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Attach to lớn frames with drawing pins, or use clipson aluminium structures.

His book certainly is serious, while frequently frivolous; it's a fascinating history of some of our most beloved items of stationery, including drawing pins, highlighter pens and staples.

A brussels sprout, cast in bronze, leans against a drawing pin on a tiny cardboard shelf -- somewhere between miniature football and national emblem.

There are old newspaper clippings, money and children's drawings pinned up around the room.

Glue this to lớn the top of the letter at the back and stick a drawing pin through the ribbon to lớn secure it.

That will be sufficient for most operational management, and will draw out the necessary funding and tư vấn.

He has discussed his use of white as a transportational device that allows him to lớn draw out the essential nature of his subjects.

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Often commissioned by their sitters, the genre is one that aims to lớn memorialize and edify, not to lớn draw out contradictions.

Used to lớn pull or draw out negative spirits or energies.

Although the competition is staged, dramatic emphasis can be utilized to lớn draw out the most intense reaction from the audience.